Where freedom meets the sky...

Instructional Tandem flights and guided paragliding tours throughout South Africa's leading paragliding sites is now a reality. From inland flying at 9 000ft ASL to coastal soaring in the beautiful Garden Route and taking off from the magical Lions Head in the Mother City, Paraura has the experties and tours available to make your dream flight come true.

Paraura offers you the opportunity to take off from some of our most magnificent sites to experience the amazing feeling of freedom and freshness that only a paragliding flight can offer. Operating mostly from inland sites such as Hartebeespoort Dam and Rustenburg, Paraura can make your bucket-list item a reality.

With tour packages that cater not only for pilots, but also for their loving spouses and children, all your expectations will be taken care of. So bring your family along and come fly in some of the world famous sites that South Africa has to offer.


" Most unbelievable flying I've ever had in my life! From the thermic Sedgefield to the calm soaring of the Map of Africa - it was just unbelievable! I'll be back every year! "
Lisa Barrendis 2-years paraglider
" October flying at Porterville was absolutely phenomenal! Thermic conditions resulted in my first ever 100km! Yeeeehaaaaaaaa!! "
Patrick Pool 3-years paraglider
" Awesome tour of sites that included the Bluff in Durban, Wilderness, Porterville, Barberton, Rustenburg and Volksrust.. The guys from Paraura know their stuff! Thanks Kyle! "
Bradley Grosh 5-years paraglider